
A. E. Temple

AlexHi. I’m Alex Temple, well-selling author of the Lost Mansion Mystery series. I’m twenty-one, a college student with one year to graduation, a female with a full-time boyfriend (at least at the start of the first novel in the series), and a Cane Corso named Bucko. I’ve been an indie writer since I was seventeen. We won’t count the stuff I wrote in sixth grade despite the creative writing award I got that year. I didn’t start publishing until after I was already eighteen.

Of course, all of what I just told you about myself is fiction. You already figured that one out, right? The truth is Alex Temple is a pen name and my entire life is made-up. It’s been a pretty good life, although confusing at times. Like, why the hell did my mother abandon me at sixteen? I wasn’t that wild a kid! Why is she living in Hong Kong? Why aren’t I living in Hong Kong with her? I think I might like living in Hong Kong. And why don’t I know anything about my father?

I’m sure we’ll find out eventually, but you’ll have to buy and review the Lost Mansion Mysteries to find out. I suspect no reviews mean no more books. In reality, I was conceived and produced by the talented author Robert E Colfax, who has graciously allowed me to share his website.

He didn’t want to set up and maintain a second website when he wasn’t sure how well my books would do. Mysteries are a stretch for him. Even though I think of him almost as my father, we’re a competitive pair, so let’s outsell him. And, oh yes. Review my books. Five stars are always nice ;-). That being said, you can find books by both of us on Amazon by searching for our publisher, Robert C Kirk. You get a disturbing number of hits for things that have nothing to do with either of us. Your best bet to find books by me, and at the moment there is only the one, is to search for A. E. Temple. If you like short, generally amusing, sci-fi search for Robert E Colfax. Simple, right?

Bob writes in the science fiction and related genres of fantasy and urban fantasy. He figured, probably correctly, that if the Lost Mansion Mystery books were well received there would probably be relatively little crossover. Then he went and pointed out there is a run-down barn on the Lost Mansion property that he could hide Urania from his Aeolus Investigations series in. You think? Urania is a starship. I am not going to let that happen. He has a skewed sense of humor. So do I. Don’t be too surprised if Bob shows at the Lost Mansion someday and becomes a suspect in a murder. He can’t be the victim, because, well, you’ve already read why.

Let me clear up another small mystery. Bob Colfax doesn’t exist either. This makes me a pen name made up by an author who is also a pen name. Both of us do believe that Bob Kirk, the true author of all of our works, really exists. Although that would be really cool if he doesn’t either.

Oh, one last thing. Bob’s picture is real. That’s assuming he ever posts one. I’m an image created with graphics software, because, like I said, I don’t really exist. I look hot though, don’t I?